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Rachel Elaine Grapes Memorial Celebration 2009

On Rachel's first birthday we celebrated her life with us and her life now with God. Everyone that attended released a balloon in memory of Rachel. Family members sent a letter to Rachel inside of their balloons and friends (and family) sent a picture of Rachel attached to the balloons.

If you have found one of Rachel's balloons please say a prayer for Rachel and her family and sign our guestbook to let us know where and when you found it.

God Bless Rachel, her family and all those that she has touched in her short time here on earth!

Rachel Elaine Grapes Memorial Celebration 2009 Part 1

Rachel Elaine Grapes Memorial Celebration 2009 Part 2

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I am so pleased that God saw fit to use me to carr...": Hi. I stumbled upon your blog while doing a search because my name is also Rachel Elaine. Your blog is so beautiful and very much appreciated by me. You see, I lost my first-born, only son, Blake on Nov. 28, 2007 when he was almost 17 years old. He was killed in an auto accident when a class mate hit his car and alammed him into a wall on the way to a very violent death. The boy was an illegal immigrant with no driver's license, unbeknownst to my son (or anyone) at the time. The boy fled the scene after killing my son. We forgave the boy immediately. As I said at the time, one life has been destroyed, I don't want to see anymore destruction if I can help it. After the police left, my first words to God were: "Lord I can accept this as long as I know Blake is in Heaven with You." God has let me know sooo many times with many signs and wonders that are too uncany to be anything else but from His undeniable Hand. Beginning with a very real Hand on my shoulder that actually moved my hair upon telling the family translator to relay to the family "Tell them that we love them." Our son is in Heaven, safe and protected. Although we have taken so much flak for the forgiveness that none can understand, I feel so close to the spirit of my son and oh so comforted by the only One who can give that Peace that transcends understanding, because of the unnatural act, showing the face of Christ at the most trying time there could ever be. There are constant heart-shaped "signs" left from my son even after all this time as his message to me that love never dies. Blake was to graduate high school in a few weeks (as well as having a two year degree from college - he was so smart) and I plan to attend and walk the stage for him as the young people from his class that I've stayed in touch with want to present me with a surprise.I feel like an ambassador for him and will keep my head up for him and to show what miracles God can do.I know what you mean about the legacy your beautiful, precious daughter has left and how a child can do more and leave more in this life than most people do or leave after 90 years. My son was the same. His page (still open at my request) gives a bit of a testimony of who he was. He named the person most wanted to meet as: "Jesus Christ (my savior)" as well as his Hero. He talked about how helping others is the greatest feeling in the world, etc. I am very privileged in being a part of God's plan through the death of my son as hard as it is to bear at times. I see the cause and effect reasons already. And that is only the beginning of seeing the unfinished tapestry and finally being able to see the front side of the tapestry with the clear eyes of eternity. This life is just a flash...just a grain of sand throughout all eternity. We have to keep going and run our race with our last breaths to the best of our abilities even when it takes the last bit of our strength and much borrowed Strength.I am truly sorry of the loss of your precious, Rachel Elaine. Yours and Rachel's blog has really touched me. I had a big cry, looking through her beautiful pictures and reading the words posted. I cry for the loss of your Rachel from your physical life as well as for all of us who have lost a child, in the tears we know so well.I have a small blog: was started before Blake was killed but now consists mostly of grief poetry. It helps the healing process to write and hopefully educate others about the grief process.Sure didn't intend to be so long-winded here (Believe it or not, I am swamped with work right now.) but I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated you sharing Rachel's story and your subsequent journey that I can relate to.May you always find the Hand of the Comforter on your shoulder and the Peace that transcends all understanding of humankind, even through your tears....Love and hugs,Rachel

Monday, May 11, 2009

I am so pleased that God saw fit to use me to carry such a special baby as Rachel into the world. It is humbling to know that through Rachel many lives were changed and many more will be. Rachel left a legacy most people only dream of.
God is amazing. He truly does use ordinary people to accomplish his will. I am proof of that because I am very ordinary without the Holy Spirit working in and through me.
My prayer is that more people are willing to say "here I am Lord", and may that also be the desire of my heart as well.